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 Your Vote: 8
 Total Votes: 18007
 New Uglyness: 5.75

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Boys - Girls - Couples - Groups - Sexy People - Computer - Toilet - Tits & Boobs - Tattoo - Piercing - Animals - Kids - Kick Ass - Fake - Body Parts - Celebrities - Holiday - Sport - Auto

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  Animals - Photo Title: El Torro with chicken   
  El Torro with chicken
Photo ID: 84 - Votes: 16622 - Uglyness: 5.52
Image location: Animals / Image: 84

[ Total Pics: 8172 ] - [ Pics ready for evaluation: 57 ]
Boys: 716 - Girls: 3171 - Couples: SQLSTATE[42000] [1203] User uglypeopledbu already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections